7 Ways To Make A Difference By Volunteering In Delhi

India is one of the few developing countries that has evolved majorly in the fields of economics, technology, politics, and in its social norms over the past few decades. India’s capital, New Delhi is like its backbone and is growing fast and reaching new heights of success in all spheres – but despite its many accomplishments, there are so many parts of Delhi that are still underdeveloped in terms of technology, basic amenities, education, construct of the social fabric and underprivileged people here are face major lifestyle problems.

Volunteering India is in collaboration with many NGOs, underdeveloped schools, public hospitals, and healthcare centers in Delhi that require dedicated volunteers to help them out. It is because there is a dire need that volunteering in Delhi will be a meaningful experience for you because every effort you make here will make a big difference in someone’s life.

1. Childcare Volunteer Program

Change your way to look at life

It is natural for the underprivileged kids to feel alone and abandoned. As a volunteer, if you choose to join the Childcare Volunteer Program in India to support underprivileged children who are barely cared for, then you will be majorly alleviating their suffering and helping them to live a dignified life.
In some Centres, including trusted organizations or shelter homes, you will be living with the little children and teaching them everything about sanitation and personal hygiene along with the basic ways to achieve a healthy living. This will be your opportunity to shower these little ones with a lot of deserved love, warmth, and affection.

2. Volunteer for Women Empowerment

She inspired these women to be independent and earn their livelihood

If you choose to volunteer in a program for women empowerment in Delhi, then you will be working for the welfare and the social development of underprivileged Indian women who are from poor backgrounds from within Delhi.
You need to be highly dedicated and understanding to participate in a program for Women Empowerment. You will be required to adjust to unprecedented situations and even share your knowledge with these women to make them aware of some widely known global trends, thereby helping them to become independent because this is the primary objective of this program.
Engaging with girls that are 16-20 old, you will be expected to conduct English classes and improve their language skills so they can begin their careers. If you have any vocational skills then you can teach them to these women too, like beautician work, handicraft work, or even stitching.

3. Volunteering for Disabled Children

Disabled children need special care and that is why working and assisting them can be a challenge. So, if you are determined to volunteer for them, then you have to prepare yourself mentally for difficult situations that may come up. You can become a part of the Disabled Care Program in New Delhi that is an initiative of Volunteering India who has partnered with organizations that focus particularly on nurturing and taking good care of these special people.
The Disabled Care Program will involve volunteering in any one of its three centers, namely Autism Center, Skill Development Center, and Special Education Center. Those volunteers who are a part of this program can be placed in either of these 3 individual projects.

Autism Centre: If placed here, you will be working in a special school dedicated to the healthcare of autistic children. Your paramount responsibilities in this school will be to take care of the basic need of autistic children by feeding them, helping them learn basic education, and doing their daily chores. Apart from this, you can also teach them how to paint, sing, dance, or make origami.

Skill Development Center: You will be expected to provide vocational training to the inmates here. You will also be giving them therapeutic interventions in speech and occupation and involve them in extracurricular activities like dancing, singing, etc. Some other training activities can include baking, envelope making, candle making, and computer training.

Special Education Center: This institution focuses on the overall development of special children depending on their individual needs. They do so by having student assessments conducted by special educators and employing alternative methods, strategies, and therapies for teaching which also include speech therapy and some other multi-sensory inducing activities.

4. Volunteering for Elephants

Myths About Traveling In India

If you have limited time and still want to make a difference while living some of the best experiences of your life, then participating in the Volunteer with Elephants Program by Volunteering India will be the perfect option for you.
As a participant of this program, you will be taken to explore India’s Golden Triangle that includes the three charming destinations of Delhi, the Taj Mahal (Agra), and Jaipur.

These three most special destinations wear the culture crown of India always have something exclusive to offer their visitors.
The kind and lovely elephants that you will be befriending will be in a village near Jaipur. You will spend your volunteering time playing with them, bathing them, and feeding these huge creatures with your own hands while you interact with the village locals around you.

5. Short Term Volunteering Program


This program is designed for those who have only 2 weeks to spend in India. For this Volunteering program, you will travel to India’s capital, New Delhi, and also take a trip to the monument of love – The Taj Mahal that is in Agra.
You will be working for the little street kids in Delhi that have no place to stay other than shelter homes, and you will help them to grow into more able human beings. You will teach these children, play with them, take care of them, and make sure that you give them the love that they deserve. Your only job, and isn’t it the best job, to bring a smile on these children’s faces helping them create a positive environment to promulgate their holistic development and to enable them to fit well in the mainstream society.

Feel free to improvise and be creative in your teaching methods because if you limit your own creativity then how will you teach innovation to these children. Teach them English, Maths & Geography by bringing along glitter pens, color pencils, storybooks, and a lot of other teaching material which you think they should learn.
Apart from just volunteering, a full-fledged city tour will also be organized for you so that you can explore the history of India.

6. Summer Volunteering Program

If you are looking for a meaningful travel experience in volunteering then you can try participating in a full-fledged Summer Volunteering Program with Volunteering India for a duration of 3 weeks.
In this program, you will be covering many locations like Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Dharamshala, and the Golden Temple of Amritsar which will encompass all important experiences that Northern India will have to offer you.

7. Volunteering for Street Children

Volunteer as a Teacher in India

If you want to be a part of the Street Children Volunteering Program in India then you should be compassionate enough to comprehend that these children have suffered from the deprivation of love and care all their life. Apart from teaching them basic literacy and involving them in recreation, you must love them infinitely from your heart, care for them, and show them that someone in this cold world is capable of affection.
In this program, you will introduce these children to activity-based learning, take informal teaching lessons, and play games with them as you work for 5-6 hrs a day for 5 days a week.

The more you will travel to India, the more you will realize that the wonders of this land are endless. India is just filled with more magic than you must have read in blogs and books. From the world-famous Taj Mahal to the perilous Himalayas and the many ancient Gods with their rustic temples, the adventure never ends here. And while on a volunteering trip you will get to leave your stamp in some form on this land of wonders!

If you are keen to travel to India once the pandemic is over and feel like contributing towards the development of the underprivileged people and extend a helping hand as a volunteer, then you can write to us at [email protected] and our Program Advisors will get back to you!

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