The Importance Of Volunteering For Women Empowerment Project In India

Since its independence, India has developed manifolds and has been through several stages of social, political and economic transformation. The Constitution of India, considered to be one of the finest documents in the world, ensures that women in the country can get to enjoy similar rights and privileges that men have. However, in spite of all the laws and regulations, there are still quite a large number of women who are oppressed in the society and face atrocities in their daily life.


women empowerment program in Delhi India

Volunteering India, in association with local NGOs in the capital city of New Delhi, aims to provide support to such underprivileged women, so that they can become independent and earn their livelihood. The main objective of this program is to give a voice to these women and help them live a better life.

In the last few years, we have hosted several volunteers from across the world, who joined this project and contributed towards the lives of these women, enabling them to learn something new. It is not necessary that you have to be a specialist in a particular field, you can still make a difference in their lives.

Before you decide to volunteer for Women’s’ Empowerment, you should know why it is important to be a part of this particular project.

To provide basic education

The women who are mostly associated with these NGOs belong to backward social strata and are usually uneducated, They either never got a chance to go to school or dropped out because of adverse social circumstances. Most of them are between the age of 18 to 25 years, while a few are a little older. Volunteers can teach basic English and Maths to these women so that they can know how to manage finances and initiate basic conversation while opting for jobs. If they can learn to speak minimal English, they can easily secure a job of a sales girl in some shop or become a receptionist. Also, volunteers can take the initiative and teach them how to use the computer, which would be of further help.

To provide vocational training

Volunteers who are expert beauticians, or have a knack for tailoring, or know the basics of weaving and stitching, can train the women and help them learn something that would eventually provide financial support. Being economically independent is extremely necessary in today’s world, and for these ladies coming from a poor background, earning a few bucks mean a lot. As mentioned earlier, the local NGOs are trying their best to morally boost these women and make them feel that even they can do something for themselves.

To help them be more aware

Most of the women have a very conservative mindset and that often becomes a hindrance for them to flourish in a competitive world. Many of these women have kids as well, and thus, it is important for them to understand the importance of health education. Encourage them to send their kids to school. Volunteers can provide grooming sessions and encourage to think bigger. They also have a very poor concept of health, hygiene, and sanitation. Hence, participants can also guide them regarding how to live a healthier life.

To give wings to their thoughts

Most of these women feel lost in the larger world and all they need is a little encouragement and support from someone, who would make them believe in the good things that are there to experience. Being a volunteer, you can add some hope to their lives, and give wings to their thoughts, so that they can start believing in themselves. Tell them stories of your life and share your experiences with them. Listen to what they have to say.

Make them aware of their rights

Often, women are not aware of their rights and keep being suppressed under societal pressure. This project aims to make women more aware of their rights. The base of this awareness is education and proper knowledge of the rights that the Indian Constitution provides for the women in the country.

Being a volunteer for this project, you can be a ray of hope in the lives of these women and show them a path that would lead to making some positive change in the society. India, even after decades of independence, still have patriarchal and Orthodox norms in the society, and Volunteering India aims to provide the exposure and a feeling of self-sufficiency that these women deserve.

For more information about the project, you can directly drop us a mail at [email protected]

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